Bluuuuueeee Moooooon.
A blue moon will be there for us all to see this Halloween night, giving us an extra an extra treat, albeit without the tricks. It’s supposed to be your last chance to see one here until 2023. [Featured Image: Macau Photo Agency, Unsplash].
According to Time and Date, we will be blessed with this rare sight tomorrow (October 31). But, according to experts, the colour of a “blue moon” isn’t always blue, so we’ll have to keep our fingers crossed for that one.
A blue moon occurs in the very rare instance of two full moons in single month. In this case, the two full moons fall on October 31 and November 1. It can also happen during a third full moon in an astronomical season with four full moons.
The next blue moon is due in August 2023.
We don’t need to remind you that a full moon on Halloween is just begging for some creepy happenings. Make sure you keep an eye out for those pesky werewolves, eh?