These cookies are out of this world.
Sometimes, you just know in a split-second that a certain type of cookie is going to be the one. [Featured Image: @cookieguilt, Instagram].
You know exactly what I mean; the ones with chocolate oozing our of their soft base. Yep, mouth-watering prospect to just think about them, isn’t it?
If you’re on our wavelength here, then Guilt – an all-new café in Singapore – needs to shoot to the top of your list of places to try. It opened last year, and just feast your eyes on these cookies.
Take the American Pie variant, for example. It’s a “super gooey vanilla cookie with baked apple crumble filling topped with toasted walnuts and salted caramel drizzle.”
Or, perhaps you’ll be enticed by the Fudge Buddy: “Peanut butter, caramel stuffed double dark chocolate sea salt cookie.”
Maybe Left on Red will get you drooling with its “chunks of hazelnut and white cocoa butter tucked into a light cocoa cookie dusted with edible rose gold”.